Common Language for Course Syllabi
Students should review the following information each semester.
Academic Support
Accessibility Services
Students with a documented disability may work with 在线博彩 Accessibility Services to receive essential services specific to their disability. All entitlements to accommodations are based on documentation and USG Board of Regents standards.
If a student needs course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability or chronic illness, or if he/she needs to make special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, the student should notify his/her instructor in writing and provide a copy of his/her Student Accommodations Report (SAR), which is available only from Accessibility Services. Faculty cannot offer accommodations without timely receipt of the SAR; further, no retroactive accommodations will be given.
For more information, please contact Accessibility Services.
Center for Academic Success
The Center for Academic Success provides services, programs, and opportunities to help all undergraduate students succeed academically.
For more information, contact them: (678) 839-6280 or
University Writing Center
The University Writing Center assists students with all areas of the writing process.
For more information, contact them: (678) 839-6513 or
Online Courses
在线博彩 takes students’ privacy concerns seriously: technology-enhanced and partially and fully online courses use sites and entities beyond 在线博彩 and students have the right to know the privacy policies of these entities.
For more information on privacy and accessibility for the most commonly used sites, as well as technology requirements visit the 在线博彩 Online site.
Resources for Online Students
Students enrolled in online courses can find answers to many of their questions in the Online/Off-Campus Student Guide.
If a student is experiencing distress and needs help, please see the resources available at the 在线博彩 Cares site. Online counseling is also available for online students.
Honor Code
At the University of West Georgia, we believe that academic and personal integrity are based upon honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility.
Students at West Georgia assume responsibility for upholding the honor code. West Georgia students pledge to refrain from engaging in acts that do not maintain academic and personal integrity. These include, but are not limited to, plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, aid of academic dishonesty, lying, bribery or threats, and stealing.
Academic Dishonesty Tracking System
The University of West Georgia maintains and monitors a confidential Academic Dishonesty Tracking System. This database collects and reports patterns of repeated student violations across all the Colleges, the Ingram Library, and the School of Nursing. Each incidence of academic dishonesty is subject to review and consideration by the instructor, and is subject to a range of academic penalties including, but not limited to, failing the assignment and/or failing the course. Student conduct sanctions range from verbal warning to suspension or expulsion depending on the magnitude of the offense and/or number of offenses. The incident becomes part of the student’s conduct record at 在线博彩.
Additionally, the student is responsible for safeguarding his/her computer account. The student’s account and network connection are for his/her individual use. A computer account is to be used only by the person to whom it has been issued. The student is responsible for all actions originating through his/her account or network connection. Students must not impersonate others or misrepresent or conceal their identities in electronic messages and actions.
For more information on the University of West Georgia Honor Code, please see the Student Handbook.
在线博彩 Email Policy
University of West Georgia students are provided a My在线博彩 e-mail account through Gmail. The University considers this account to be an official means of communication between the University and the student. The purpose of the official use of the student e-mail account is to provide an effective means of communicating important university related information to 在线博彩 students in a timely manner. It is the student’s responsibility to check their email.
Credit Hour Policy
The University of West Georgia grants one semester hour of credit for work equivalent to a minimum of one hour (50 minutes) of in-class or other direct faculty instruction AND two hours of student work outside of class per week for approximately fifteen weeks.
For each course, the course syllabus will document the amount of in-class (or other direct faculty instruction) and out-of-class work required to earn the credit hour(s) assigned to the course. Out-of-class work will include all forms of credit-bearing activity, including but not limited to assignments, readings, observations, and musical practice.
Where available, the university grants academic credit for students who verify via competency-based testing, that they have accomplished the learning outcomes associated with a course that would normally meet the requirements outlined above (e.g. AP credit, CLEP, and departmental exams).
House Bill 280 (Campus Carry)
在线博彩 follows University System of Georgia (USG) guidance:
Additional Information Regarding House Bill 280
You may also visit our website for help with USG Guidance:
Campus Carry Legislation at 在线博彩
Mental Health Support
If you or another student find that you are experiencing a mental health issue, free confidential services are available on campus in the Counseling Center.
Students who have experienced sexual or domestic violence may receive confidential medical and advocacy services with the Patient Advocates in Health Services.
To report a concern anonymously, please go to 在线博彩cares.
English Language Learning (ELL) Resources
If you are a student having difficulty with English language skills, and / or U.S. culture is not your home culture, specialized resources are available to help you succeed. Please visit the E.L.L. resource page for more information.